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Diversity, Culture, and Climate

St. Joseph's Academy is called forth by our founders, the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, to "serve the Dear Neighbor without distinction."

St. Joseph’s Academy’s commitment to Diversity, Culture, and Climate (DCC) invites our community to recognize and acknowledge that all people are created in the image of God with each person bringing unique gifts to the community. As a community, we engender empathy, understanding and curiosity to develop a deeper awareness of equity and inclusion as it relates to gender, race, faith, socioeconomic circumstances and sexual identity, as well as individual talents and learning styles in a college preparatory environment.

Please see below to view St. Joseph’s Academy’s “A Commitment to Diversity.”


Please contact Dr. Julia Wilkins Kohrmann, Director of Diversity, Culture, and Climate, at (314) 394-4932 or at