Faith Life
The Campus Ministry program at St. Joseph's Academy focuses on the integral role that faith plays in the development not only of the individual person, but also of the entire school community.
Welcome to the St. Joseph’s Academy Campus Ministry Department! We are here to walk with each Angel on her unique journey to find meaning and purpose in life.
We believe that our unreasonably loving God is always reaching out to us, and so Campus Ministry provides many different opportunities for each student to grow in her faith, "serve the Dear Neighbor without distinction" in the community, and reflect on her life at SJA and beyond.
We feel blessed to work with our talented student leaders who enrich our favorite traditions and bring fresh life with new programs and ideas. We hope you will join us to plan and participate in liturgies, retreats, and community outreach.
Come hang out in the Campus Ministry Room before or after school or when you have downtime throughout the school day! All are welcome and encouraged to join us as we share our Glimpses of God (GOG) and walk together as one SJA community!
Mr. Mike Finucane, Director of Campus Ministry
St. Joseph's Academy is called forth by our founders, the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, to "serve the Dear Neighbor without distinction."
Upcoming Faith Life Events
One of the greatest gifts we can share as a community is our faith with one another. All are welcome to the table as we recognize and celebrate the presence of God through our monthly liturgies at St. Joe.
Campus Ministry Clubs
The following clubs work closely with Campus Ministry throughout the year:
Campus ministry room
The opening of St. Joseph’s Academy’s Campus Ministry Room in 2017 put SJA at the forefront of collaborative faith-filled learning. Campus Ministry is a vital part of every girl's life at St. Joseph’s Academy. The space is a safe, supportive place where girls can go to help build a lifelong foundation of faith and values. The room is equipped with state-of-the-art technology that Ms. Anna Hotop, then Director of Campus Ministry, states “will open endless doors and opportunities for us in Campus Ministry. We are very intentional on incorporating the legacy and charism of our founders, the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, alive and vibrant in all aspects of life at the Academy. The new technology includes video conferencing equipment, which will allow SJA to take to connect directly to CSJ ministries and sister schools around the world.” This dream project became a reality through the 2017 Auction Fund-A-Need and the generosity of an alumna parent.
Please contact Mike Finucane, Director of Campus Ministry, at (314) 394-4036 or at