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Close up view of the St. Joseph’s Academy ring, which is gold with the school shield engraved on a large oval green stone.

Upon your graduation from St. Joseph's Academy, you entered into the next phase of your SJA career – that of an alumna - and automatically became a member of the SJA Alumnae Association. You joined an elite group of women who love their school and fellow Angels, because as you well know, “Once an Angel, always an Angel.”

The goal of the SJA Alumnae Association is to keep you connected with St. Joseph's Academy, the faculty and staff, and other alumnae. We do this through alumnae events, reunions, as well as the alumnae and community magazine, Wings. We also have alumnae connections on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and X.

Please help keep the alumnae network strong by updating your contact information in the Alumnae Directory or contacting the Alumnae Office on any changes. We don't want you to miss out on any alumnae communication. We also ask that you keep us updated on any personal or professional milestones, such as a new job or promotion, marriage or a new child, so we can publish the news in the alumnae activities email (class notes come out quarterly).

If you are not receiving our mailings or emails, please contact the Alumnae Office at (314) 394-4342 or via email at

We hope to see you back at St. Joe soon! 

 2023-24 Wings/Annual Report  Spirit Shop  Alumnae Association  Alumnae Directory  Update Your Contact Information 

Upcoming Alumnae Events


St. Joseph's Academy has partnered with Parchment to order and send your transcript and other credentials (this is for alumnae and third-party records requests, not current students). This link will open a new browser.

Request Transcript

ALumnae directory 

The SJA Alumnae Directory is available for you to search for other Angels, make new professional connections and update your information.

Membership is free and exclusive to SJA alumnae. Plus, it’s secure as it is password protected and only available to registered users. 

If you have questions or problems with your alumnae account, please contact the Alumnae Office at


Alumnae Directory


share your news

Did you start a new job, receive a promotion, get married or have a baby? Do you have other news to announce? Share it with the SJA alumnae community by submitting a class note, which will be published in the alumnae magazine, Wings. St. Joseph’s Academy provides class notes as a courtesy to its alumnae. By submitting a class note, you are providing information that is true and accurate to the best of your knowledge. St. Joseph's Academy reserves the right to use editorial discretion and is not responsible for misinformation related to a class note submission.

Click here to submit a note


The SJA Community Rosary invites all parents, alumnae, alum parents and grandparents to the Virtual Rosary on Friday, February 7, beginning at 7:30 a.m. (CDT).

We welcome you to join in! 


Please contact Alumnae Office at 

