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Learning Consultants

The St. Joseph’s Academy Learning Consultants serve as a resource for students, parents and faculty in supporting individual learning and the mission of the school. The Learning Consultants are located in the Counseling Office. Referrals may be made by students, parents or faculty as needed.


In living the mission of St. Joseph’s Academy, we acknowledge appropriate accommodations are sometimes necessary for the success of students with a diagnosed disability. Learning Consultants are available for students, parents, and faculty as a resource in navigating the evaluation and accommodations process. Students with a wide variation of learning strengths and challenges are able to find success with the St. Joseph’s Academy college preparatory curriculum. 


At St. Joseph’s Academy, students are encouraged to utilize all of the resources available for academic success. Peer tutors are offered through the National Honor Society.
Learning Consultant support is offered to students that require assistance in time management, organization, and planning skills. Appointments can be made through email or in person with the Counseling Administrative Assistant, Laura Baxendale. Parents may also schedule appointments with the Learning Consultants to discuss support systems available for their student.

Contact Us

Mary Ruzicka

Mary Ruzicka

Learning Consultant (A-K)
Catherine Zitko

Catherine Zitko

Learning Consultant (L-Z)

spence shine shack

In the winter of 2020, St. Joseph's Academy opened a new student success center, the “Spence Shine Shack,” which supports the various learning needs and styles of all our students. This new program will serve our girls with tools and furnishings that support active learning, collaborative work and independent study. Every girl will be able to utilize this new program and space, which is designed to take them from where they are academically to where they can fully shine with their God-given talents.

This project was made possible by the generosity of the Dave and Suzie Sauer Spence ’82 Family and the generosity of many through our 2019 Auction Fund-A-Need. At the dedication of the spaces, Suzie noted the scripture passage from Mathew 5: 15-16, "You are the light of the world...So let your light shine," relating it to our school as we encourage all of our students’ light to shine.