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Student in a St. Joseph’s Academy uniform holding a starfish in the Weidert Center for Integrative Science.

The goal of the Science Department’s curriculum is to encourage our students to explore Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) from freshman through senior year. Students at St. Joseph’s Academy consistently use state-of-the-art laboratory equipment, probeware with data collection, and graphing analysis software in conjunction with their laptops to investigate principles and develop their knowledge and mastery of science. Inquiry-based labs and direct manipulation of biological specimens are also used as STEM learning endeavors. Project-based design and engineering investigations are part of several classes from freshman through senior year. Courses for students that are particularly oriented toward current STEM initiatives include Honors Biology, Honors Chemistry, Honors Physics, Environmental Science, Genetics, Human Anatomy, Independent Science Research, Marine Science, Zoology, ACC Forensic Science, ACP Human Anatomy and Physiology, AP/ACP Biology, AP Chemistry, and AP Physics.


  • Students will observe and study the physical and biological aspects of the environment.
  • Students will search for relationships among the observations.
  • Students will develop curiosity about why these relationships exist.
  • Students will apply acquired facts and concepts to new situations.
  • Students will communicate new knowledge clearly and precisely.
  • Students will develop an appreciation and respect for the surrounding world.
  • Students will accept responsibility for acting on new knowledge.


Three credits of lab science are required for graduation. These required credits will be met by taking a biology course in the freshman year, a chemistry course in the sophomore year, and a physics course in the junior year.

Note: Any student choosing to take more than 1.0 science credit during any given school year must obtain departmental approval.

Co-Curricular Activities

The following co-curricular activities are available in this discipline. 
American Chemical Society High School ChemClub
Beta Chi Pi
Earth Angels
e-Nabling the Future

earth angels

Earth Angels is St. Joe’s environmental club. Their mission is to bring awareness and action to environmental issues in both our St. Joe community as well as the global stage.

Learn More

Science Department

Jennifer Bisch '92

Jennifer Bisch '92

Science Department Chair
Colleen Edmiston '95

Colleen Edmiston '95

Science Department
John Gundy

John Gundy

Computer Science & Engineering Department, Science Department
Julia Iovaldi

Julia Iovaldi

Science Department
Rachel Kupper

Rachel Kupper

Science Department
Katie Lodes

Katie Lodes

Science Department
Maggie O'Brien

Maggie O'Brien

Science Department