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Student speaking to the class during a literature course.

The goal of the English Department is to help students attain a liberal arts perspective through the comprehensive study of and exposure to language and literature, especially as a reflection of human values and cultures, a presentation of the historical development of ideas, an opportunity to respond to and appreciate multiple perspectives, and the development of communications skills.


  • Students will participate in a wide variety of literary experiences through the study of American and world literature.
  • Students will develop an appreciation of content, purpose, and structure in literature.
  • Students will receive training and practice in grammar, vocabulary development, and composition skills that enable the students to communicate effectively.
  • Students will have, through language and literature studies, the opportunities for inquiry, collaborative learning, and critical thinking.
  • Students will integrate technological tools into all areas of the English learning experience.


Four credits in English are required at St. Joseph’s Academy:

  • One credit of Literature and Composition is required of freshmen.
  • One credit of World Literature Analysis and Composition is required of sophomores.
  • One credit of American Literature and Composition is required of juniors.
  • One credit of English courses is required of seniors. If not taking the one credit AP/ACC Senior English, one semester must be a writing-designated course and one a literature-designated course.

Co-Curricular Activities

The following co-curricular activities are available in this discipline. 

Constantly Risking Absurdity
Epsilon Beta
Feminist Voices Club
Scholar Bowl
St. Joe TV
The Literati of St. Joe
The Voice 

the voice

The Voice, founded in 1983, is the student newspaper of St. Joseph’s Academy. In 2017, it transitioned to a digital medium with a print news magazine four times per year. The digital version is available to be viewed by the public, and news magazines will be distributed at school to all students, administration, faculty, staff, parents and alumnae who pick up copies.

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English Department

Liz Kelley

Liz Kelley

English Department Chair
Kelly Berry

Kelly Berry

English Department
Chelsea Layton

Chelsea Layton

English Department
Jessica Lorenz

Jessica Lorenz

English Department
Emma Luem

Emma Luem

English Department
Megan Mills

Megan Mills

English Department
Daniella Moshi

Daniella Moshi

English Department
Margaret Murphy

Margaret Murphy

English Department
Katie Richardson '99

Katie Richardson '99

Director of Global Education, English Department