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Strategic Plan: Impact 28

For more than 183 years, St. Joseph's Academy has educated young women through the lens of our shared Catholic identity, challenging them to grow in faith, knowledge and respect for self and others. Today, we are similarly challenged as we work together to create a plan for the next five years, honoring the work of the past and preparing St. Joe to confront future opportunities and challenges.

SJA has been actively engaged in developing a new strategic plan, IMPACT 28: Calling Forth More, to guide and direct our mission-driven work over the next five years. For more than 180 years, the Academy has educated young women through the lens of our shared Catholic identity, challenging them to grow in faith, knowledge and respect for self and others. Today, we are similarly challenged as we work together to create a compass for the immediate future, honoring the work of the past and preparing St. Joe to confront upcoming opportunities and challenges.

A diverse group of constituents including board members, faculty and staff, students, alumnae and parents have come together throughout this strategic planning process, synthesizing more than 1,350 survey data points, and identifying the key issues facing St. Joe in each of the following categories: Academics & Technology, Institutional Advancement, Catholic Identity, Enrollment and Marketing, Facilities, Finance, Governance, and Student Life. Collectively, they developed strategic goals and objectives in each of these domains, from which our school administration, faculty, and staff will create action plans to lead SJA as we work to ensure that the Academy not only thrives but sets the benchmark for single-sex Catholic education in our community.

Marcia Niedringhaus

1,350 Responses from Two Comprehensive Community-Wide Surveys
63 Stakeholder Participants Identifying Future Goals and Objectives at a Day-Long Retreat
27 Faculty, Staff and Students Participating Directly in Domain Groups
33 Key Issues and Objectives Targeted for Strategic Priority
8 Specialized Domains Examined for Future School Success